
Abstract submission




We invite all interested scientists to submit abstracts for presentation at the EDEG 2025 conference from 17th to 20th of May 2025 in Umeå, Sweden.

Submission deadline is Friday 31st of January 2025 by midnight Central European Time (24:00 hours CET).

Corresponding authors must fill out the abstract submission form

Abstracts that are not prepared according to the abstract guidelines (see below) will not be considered.

The authors of submitted abstracts will be notified about acceptance and about the presentation type by 21st February 2025.



  1. Eligible are all Abstracts of which the accompanying paper is not yet published at the time of the Abstract submission deadline (31 January 2025).
  2. Abstracts must be written in English.
  3. Each Abstract should be of maximum 350 words (NOT including title, authors’ names and institutional affiliations). Each table or figure will count for 50 words (included in the 350).
  4. Please use Arial Font 10 for the entire Abstract. The text must be single-spaced and fully-justified. It should be structured in separate paragraphs, with a single space between the section paragraphs.
  5. Please divide up your abstract text using the headings: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
  6. For the Abstract’s TITLE, please use Bold ALL CAPITAL letters and full justification. Please avoid using abbreviations.
  7. Authors’ names should appear in Bold font below the title of the abstract in lowercase and must be given in full: Given name first and then followed by Surname with first letters Capital. Please, underline the name of the presenting author who will register for and attend the EDEG 2025 conference.
  8. The official title of the institutional affiliations and the city/town should be provided on a new line in lowercase letters below the authors’ names. If more than one institution, please separate by using superscript arabic numerals (1,2,3).
  9. A single presenting author can submit only one (1) abstract. If the same team of authors wishes to submit more than one 1 abstract, it is necessary to indicate a different presenting author, who also needs to register and attend the EDEG 2025 conference.
  10. Words should not be split at end of line. Please write words in full on new line.
  11. Abstracts must be entered in the required field of the submission and be attached as a Word file (.docx) (additional documents).
  12. Abstracts may include images, diagrams and tables. For column alignment please use Tabs instead of whitespaces.  Each table or figure will count as 50 words (included in the 350 maximum) and must be attached as a file (.docx, .emf, .png, .jpeg) (additional documents).
  13. You will be asked to enter up to five keywords for your abstract (which you pick yourself) and to select the topic(s) that best suit your abstract:

    • Diabetes and Diversity
    • Type 1 Diabetes
    • Type 2 Diabetes
    • Diabetes & Cardiovascular disease
    • Diabetes & Mental disorders
    • Diabetes & Cancer
    • Diabetes & Lifestyle
    • Diabetes & Environment
    • Diabetes & COVID-19
    • Risk factors of Diabetes
    • Predictors of Diabetes
    • Complications of Diabetes
    • Incidence and prevalence of Diabetes
    • Subtypes of Diabetes

  14. You will be asked to indicate the preference of presenting: Oral Presentation or Poster Pitch