Teacher: Bendix Carstensen, Senior Statistician, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Herlev, Denmark
Time: Saturday 17 May 2025, 9:00 - 14:00
Venue: Clarion Hotel Umeå
Preliminary Program
Come join us and learn from one of the best biostatisticians in the world. Bendix Carstensen is a leading diabetes biostatistician from Steno Diabetes centre, Denmark. He has a wealth of experience teaching demography in relation to cancer and diabetes. Bendix has written several textbooks, taught many short courses all over the world and is an expert in R.
The workshop is intended for young statisticians, epidemiologists and the like.
It will provide an overview of the concepts with a special view to generating results (numbers and graphs) in R.
By the very title of the workshop it will be relevant for persons that are working with follow-up data over time, be that clinical trials, cohort studies or register-based studies.
Since the workshop takes place on Saturday morning participants will get the choice to add accommodation for the 16th of May at the conference hotel Clarion Hotel Umeå.
A dinner will be arranged on Friday 16 May to welcome the participants of the workshop.
You register for the workshop at the same time that you register for the conference, under step two of the registration form (Registration & Accomodation Fee) you will be presented with the choice of attending the workshop. If you already have registered for the conference but forgot to add the workshop in your registration, please contact erik@nordiccongress.se.