The primary goals of the EDEG are to lead and facilitate epidemiological research in diabetes, its risk factors and complications, and to act as a forum for collaboration, discussion and dissemination of expertise and knowledge.
Goal and aims
The goal of the group is to lead and facilitate epidemiological research on disorders of glucose tolerance and its complications, and to act as a forum for interchange and dissemination of findings.
This goal will be achieved by the following aims:
This will be awarded after written application to the EDEG Secretary, to all individuals who have, within a 5-year period, attended at least 3 meetings, and presented an accepted abstract as first author at 2 meetings. Membership is for life and will not be forfeited.
Committee and its officers
All members of the committee should be members of EDEG.
The committee will consist of three officers: a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman and a secretary, with three additional members.
All elections to the committee will be by a simple majority vote of members of the group present at the annual general meeting of EDEG. Proposals for committee members should be made to the Secretary in person, or in writing, or by e-mail, before the next annual general meeting. A proposer and a seconder are required, with confirmation from the candidate that they are happy to stand.
One of the organisers of the next annual scientific meeting will be an ex-officio member of the committee until the annual scientific meeting is completed.
Committee officers and members shall serve for a term of three years, with a maximum of three terms. Committee members are eligible for officer status after serving one term on the committee. The committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members for a term of up to 3 years.
Version - May 2022